
chicken and egg bowl.

I like eat boiled chicken.I tell you how to cook it.
First, you cut chicken and onion, then put in the pan. Mix the egg. Second, put sweet sake for seasoning into the pot. Next, you put soup and sugar and soy sauce and boil. Next, onion and chicken are boiled. The egg is boiling up. When the egg becomes half-boiled, put in the pan. Put the soup on the rice. At last, you put the trefoil on top on the rice.

4 件のコメント:

  1. 丼もので一番親子丼が好き(●'Д'●)☆

  2. "Three putting leaf"?? I think you used translation software, you lazy person! It takes maybe 5 seconds to look up 三つ葉 on the Internet.

