
English should be compulsory from kindergarten

On English subject, I want to examine, whether English should be compulsory from kindergarten or from elementary school.

Truthfully, this question is difficult very much. Surely, study English should from kindergarten, become can speaking. And children have a good head. Easy for remember and fast. And children learning English is parent’s hope.

But, I think children like play game, hate study English. The boyhood should play game, become happy life. I don’t think can speaking English because learn English from kindergarten, whether speaking English is depend oneself. And became college student after, There is a person who starts English, too, then become speaking English. Certain child is learned English from kindergarten, but can’t speaking English.

Whether speaking English is depend oneself. So, I think English should be compulsory from elementary school. If work hard to do study English, become speaking English.

Britain with Japan's Christmas and New Year

Today, I’m going to compare Japanese Christmas and New Year with British Christmas and New Year.

In Britain, Christmas Day is holiday, but Christmas Eve is not. People buy presents for friends and family and hide them until Christmas tree. People usually have parties on Christmas Eve and spend Christmas Day with their family. On Christmas Day, people go to church, open their presents, eat Christmas lunch and watch the Queen’s Speech. Christmas lunch is usually roast turkey, roast potatoes, vegetables, mince pies and Christmas pudding.

In Japan, Christmas Day is not holiday, nor is Christmas Eve. People buy presents for friend and family, But not hide them and to Christmas Eve. My house is haven’t Christmas tree, people buy presents for friend and family, at first hand. On Christmas Eve, eat dinner after, eat Christmas cake and drink champagne.

In Britain, New Year is a short holiday. Only January 1st is a holiday. People go to parties on New Year’s Eve, stay up until midnight with family and friends and celebrate New Year with champagne. Although January 2nd is not a holiday, many people stay home. There is no special food for New Year.

In Japan, New Year is a short holiday. People eat buck wheat noodles on New Year’s Eve with family. On New Year’s Day, People pay a visit to as shrine, On New Year’s Day. Write New Year’s card and eat rice cake.

In both Britain and Japan, people spend the holidays with family and friends. In Britain, people eat special food at Christmas, but in Japan people eat special food at New Year. In Britain, people give presents at Christmas only, but in Japan people give presents at Christmas and New Year. In Britain, Christmas is more important, but in Japan, New Year is more important.

I want to go England, but I am a club student. So I can’t go to England. I am going to school every day in winter vacation. I almost did part-time job and club, with friend went to the movie on New Year’s Day. The movie’s name is 2012. New Year’s Day is very good.

